Texas Motor Carrier Authority Application Form

  • Carrier Info Confirm Your Official Representative
  • Vehicle Details Number of Registered Vehicles
  • Questionnaire Additional Carrier Info
  • Payment Info Pay to Complete Registration
Carrier Information
Step 1 - 4
Carrier Information -
DBA - | EIN -
Physical Address
Mailing Address*
Confirm Your Business registration Type *
Upload DBA certificate*
Owner Information
Company Information

Can't find your Texas Tax ID? Search here

Company Information

Can't find your Texas Tax ID? Search here

Upload UCR Certificate

Don't have a UCR Certificate? Get yours at UCR.online

Vehicle Details
Step 2 - 4
No. YEAR, Make & Model VIN Unit# Action
Total Cost:
Additional Info - Questionnaire
Step 3 - 4

If you're still looking for a reputable insurance company to cover your commercial vehicle call Safeline Truck Insurance at (800) 617-3007 today for an instant quote.

Payment Information
Order Details
Vehicle Total :
Details Total
Each Additional Vehicle - $/vehicle $
Commodity Hauler - $20/vehicle $
Household Goods Hauler $125
Total Cost :
Billing Address
I certify that I am the authorized holder and signer of the credit card referenced above. I certify that all information above is complete and accurate.
I hereby authorize collection of payment for all charges as indicated above. Charges may not exceed the amount listed above in the “TOTAL COST” field. I understand this is only for up to this amount on the date listed below in the "DATE SIGNED" field. If additional charges are going to be authorized a new form will have to be completed.
The “TOTAL COST” includes all Federal, State and Local Government fees.
I hereby, acknowledge and agree that after the charges are authorized a DOT Operating Authority agent is assigned in 15 minutes to run the order. Once the agent is assigned the charges become non-refundable.
I understand that the information input is correct to my knowledge. Submitting false information could result in penalties and fines. It is a federal crime to submit false information in an attempt to commit fraud.